Craig started his boat racing career as soon as he was eligible to hold a race licence at the tender age of 17, in a 550cc super sports outboard, setting the Australian speed record within a year. Craig is the youngest Australian to break the 100 mph mark on water at the age of 20. Craig then progressed to Unlimited inboard class racing where he campaigned his father’s carburettored “big block” inboard engined runabout “Settledown”. Craig won numerous National and State Championships in this boat with the stand out achievement being winning the Australasian Unlimited Open Championship – the Stannard Cup – the Australian Championship race open to any class of powerboat.
Following these successes, Craig then turned to growing high performance world of Formula One Outboards. Craig campaigned the inaugural Formula

One boat in Australia hitting the water in 1987 sweeping all before him. He then went on to win the inaugural Australian Formula One Championship contested in 1989.